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utilizing food to build relationships + community!

Did you know, hiring us for catering helps to fund our community meals? Catering helps to build relationships as the logistical details around food are delegated to us. The more you put us to work, the more we get to show up to the community. Talk about a win-win!

Hearts and Shamrocks, it’s almost spring! Despite the most unusual winter of my life, there are signs of spring all around. I love this time of year and the subtle parallels the changing of seasons bring to life. Accompanying the much needed and wanted sunshine, the reminders of new beginnings and fresh starts are certainly welcomed.

The beginning of the year I embarked on a journey with my coaching team and our board to nail down our mission. Wrongly, I assumed a “describe your organization and it’s mission in 6 words or less” exercise would be easy. It was not. This exercise took multiple brainstorming sessions, coaching sessions, weeks of writing and rewriting, post-it notes stuck all over the place, and a whole bunch of waiting. Balancing the big God-vision that swirls in my head with the need for a practical and straightforward mission was a wrestling match I had underestimated. The result?

“Utilizing food to build relationships + community.”

It seemed like only days after those words began to take root and grow, they were held to the fire. Were we ready to walk out that mission? Was there room for new collaboration? Could we financially show up every week to our community? Were we ready to show up in the midst of tragedy?

February was a tough month on many levels. Burnsville first-responder deaths sent waves of shock and unbelief through the south metro and deeply impacted our community. Further, a dear friend of our team and regular volunteer underwent emergency brain surgery.

In both situations, a spark for community was ignited, and became a powerful beacon of hope and love. A strong reminder was seen and heard, that caring for our community was everybody’s responsibility. That responsibility may be large, or it may be small, but there’s a role for everybody to play.

I wish I could share in video the bird’s eye view of February I was blessed to have. The building of a community, slow and steady, came to life. Through first-responder meals, numerous people stepped up to coordinate details or sponsor. Endless prayer for healing and protection of first-responder families and friends occurred. Countless volunteers showed-up unannounced and unscheduled to help wherever they could. Extra hands and vehicles delivered meals around town. People, sat in the dining room helping others find jobs, work through life challenges, and even celebrating great moments.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve had during the past few years is that “need” is no longer narrowly defined. Yes, it still applies to financial and food-scarcity. But it also applies to loneliness, mental health, addiction, tragedy, loss, medical diagnosis, and on. I’ve yet to meet a person on this planet, including myself, that doesn’t have a need of some sort. Perhaps the easiest way to define what we now see as need, is for relationships and community – and that’s a mission we can all get behind.

In the midst of a month of heart-break, it was breath-taking to watch our community come together. I couldn’t be more proud. Of our mission, of our team, of our community.

For the role you play in building this community – thank you!

With Gratitude,
Katherine + Team

Did you know, we receive financial support by generous individuals, businesses and churches? Either recurring monthly donations, one-time donations or weekly sponsorship, we are grateful for those that financially support our organization to help to provide ongoing weekly meals. It’s pure generosity, put into action in a slow and steady manner.
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Who loves our Buy-One-Give-One Program? Every Wednesday we have a quiet option to pay for your meal if you wish to (most pay through our website). Your $10 meal payment pays for both your meal and the meal of another individual in our community that cannot pay for theirs. In short, the more people that choose to use this program to meet a need of their own, the more needs they help to support.
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We will continue to roll-out Other Fundraising Efforts during 2024. Things such as our coffee fundraiser, events and other creative ideas we are working on will be shared throughout the year. Stay tuned for more details and information!

No matter how small or large your involvement in Grace Filled Table is, please know this – it all matters. When lots of people do a little, nobody has to do a lot. This year has already been a beautiful reflection of how many pieces of volunteering, financial support, catering, buy-one-give-one meals, and more can accumulate into something bigger. Together, let’s make 2024 great!

We will see you at the Table soon!
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