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showers, flowers + hope

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As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. The changing of seasons brings such promise and hope of growth and new mercies.

April was another amazing month of growth for Grace Filled Table. If we only focused on numbers, I’d tell you these statistics:
 💛 we surpassed 5,000 meals to our community (in just 6-months)
 💛 our volunteer hours are skyrocketing and are near 600 hours in that same 6-month timeframe
 💛 we had 3 new sponsors that generously paid for weekly meals

Some statistics are suggesting that food costs have risen over 45% since 2020. And while we could easily start a week-long debate as to all the reasons behind this – I’d ask this question, “does it really matter?”. Every single person in this country feels the impact of skyrocketing food costs. Every single one.

In light of that last statistic alone, the timing of starting a food-based ministry sure seems crazy. I agree. However, when you walk in faith, timing rarely lines up with our expectations. If we flip the coin, what does skyrocketing food costs offer us at this time? The chance to work together. To be more efficient, to do life together, to share and consider others when you’ve got a little more. All of this happens naturally in community. Community is needed and continues to be a cry from the hearts of many.

Despite economic uncertainly, we continue to see individuals and businesses generously supporting our community meal program. It takes courage and next-level generosity, and for that we are grateful. Even better? Our sponsors often volunteer – donating both their time and treasure. Without complaint, you’ll find them serving meals, washing the toughest dishes, and smiling through it all.

The dining room continues to be full, bustling with chatter and activity – an entire spectrum of community simply doing life together. It’s beautiful to watch. We are seeing more teens through the doors – riding their bikes and getting a great meal to keep them moving at top-speeds. More kids are pitching in to help, and from the corner I sit in – the number of smiles continues to increase. Smiling and laughing is good for the soul, and even better when done together.

This entire organization is about people. It’s about relationships, it’s about community, it’s about support + love, it’s helping each other, and it’s about so much more. I’ll leave you with this message we received that sums up Grace Filled Table perfectly:

“You guys! I’ve been reflecting on my dinner experience tonight….you are doing amazing things!! You are serving much more than a meal! You offer the gift of respite for some, hope for others, connection to those who need it, physical healing to the bodies of the hungry, inspiration to others who may have a heart for service but without confidence to step into their calling… the list goes on. It was a real pleasure to see your work in action. God is the very best leader, so thankful that you have the willingness to follow!!” {Heather A.}

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Did you know, hiring us for catering helps to fund our community mealsThese chicken salad croissant boxes headed off to KTIS to support their volunteers during spring fundraising. We were surprised with a behind-the-scenes tour full of high tech, blinking lights, microphones and a team full of smiles.

To Brian and the entire KTIS team: thank you for paving the way of daily hope through Jesus to thousands and thousands of people. It was an honor to see the operations behind of one of God’s mightiest works!

April sponsors, Montegomery Family, Bloomington Carpet One and Market on Oak. April Showers bring may flowers.
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Did you know, we receive financial support by generous individuals, businesses and churches? Either recurring monthly donations, one-time donations or weekly sponsorship, we are grateful for those that financially support our organization to help to provide ongoing weekly meals. It’s pure generosity, put into action in a slow and steady manner.

A special thank you to our April sponsors, Montgomery Family, Bloomington Carpet One, and Market on Oak.

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Classes! What a fun way to connect with your friends, co-workers or family! And yes, working with us for classes also helps to support our community meals. I’m catching a theme, and guessing you are too here. If it involves food, we are likely part of it. If it involves building relationships + community, we are likely part of it. When you combine those things – we are absolutely part of it!

Watch for local upcoming class opportunities to plug into!

Friends, keep showing up. Keep inviting others, delivering meals, helping where you can – it’s all making a difference! It’s such a privilege to watch God build something special in this community. Every meal, every moment, every brick.

Oh, back to numbers just one more time…if you caught the announcement above, we have passed a huge milestone – 5,000 community meals!!! We believe that is reason to CELEBRATE! On May 22nd, our “regular” Wednesday meal night is getting a celebratory twist – don’t miss it, k!

We will see you at the Table soon!

With Gratitude,
Katherine + Team

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