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July 2023 Newsletter

Copy of July 2023 Newsletter Content by Spencer


minimalist packing

Got summer vacation plans on the brain? Packing really sucks the fun out of it huh? I’ve got a hack that will change the way you pack!

The 3-Bag Rule: Whether off on a road trip or to the airport, this 3-bag rule helps to keep the luggage lugging to a minimum. A carry-on suitcase, a large tote as my “personal item,” and a small bag inside it. During travel, the small bag carries essentials like wallet, passport, and phone. Once I reach my destination, the large tote doubles as my beach bag, while the small bag becomes my nighttime companion.

The 2-Shoe Rule: Shoes take up so much space, so keep it minimal. I wear my comfy sneakers on the journey (car or flight), which also work with any outfit during the day. Pack a pair of sandals shoes for the beach and evening, and additional running shoes if you need them for exercise/activities.

Wear a Travel Uniform: Two words to live by—travel uniform! On the plane, rock comfy pants or joggers, a versatile shirt, and an extra sweater tied around your waist. The sweater also doubles as a cozy layer during cooler weather at my destination!

Where are you at on the minimalist travel scale? If you’ve got travel hacks that save time, money and more – I’d love to hear them!

reading, reading

How is your reading and/or listening going this year? There are reasons it’s easy, others its hard. No different than anything else in my life, I have to break this down into small, achievable pieces. A chapter a day, just 5 minutes a day, choosing a book over my phone on a handful of occassions throughout the week. How about you? What are your best tricks and plans for fitting in reading and/or listening for personal development?


  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Patrick Lencioni)


  • The Coffee Bean, A Simple Lesson to Creative Positive Change (Jon Gordon)


  • Leveling Up: 12 Questions to Elevate Your Personal and Professional Development (Ryan Leak)


  • Get out of your head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts (Jennie Allen)


  • You are the Girl for the Job: Daring to Believe the God who Calls You (Jess Connolly)


  • It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy (Captain D. Michael Abrashoff)


  • The One Truth: Elevate Your Mind, Unlock Your Power, Heal Your Soul {Jon Gordon}


Vulnerability. Rarely does this fall on anybody’s favorite topic list. But it’s important. In life and in business, being vulnerable to yourself and others is either a big driver of growth, or lack thereof.

Just because you CAN do something, does not mean you SHOULD do it. By design, we each have strengths and weaknesses. We go farther, and often are stronger, when we collaborate and work together.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but the older I get, the more I believe it to be true. Multi-tasking is a “skill” that significantly shortcuts our success. Don’t get me wrong, there are always a number of hats we wear and all things need to keep moving in somewhat of a similar fashion forward. However, the more we promote multi-tasking, the less engaged and fully present we are with any one given thing. With our families, our work, our quiet. None of these areas will be at full strength when our minds and hearts are always divided.

I’m doing some hard-work to unwire my brain to believe that doing 47 things at the same time is a definition of success. For me, it’s become a definition of burnout, or at least steps towards it.

This is where vulnerability comes into play. Self-assessment and the courage to ask others for their assessment will help you to see where you are strong and where working together makes much more sense. We are meant to do life together, in community, learning and leaning on each other. My ability to allow others to shine in their giftings gives me more time to be present in mine.

We all have room to grow in this area and if we are being vulnerable, we always will.

I’d love to hear your journey in learning to be more present and engaged with the most important pieces of your life. Do you find it easy or difficult to evaluate and collaborate with others where it makes sense?

monthly recipe



  • 8oz cream cheese
  • 1/4 – 1/2c powdered sugar
  • 1t lime zest
  • 2T lime juice
  • 3T orange juice
  • 1/2c heavy whipping cream


  • If you have a mixer…this is a breeze. If not, you’ve already got the arms to handle it. 🙂
  • Beat the cream cheese + powdered sugar until fluffy. Add zest and juices, mix to combine. Add heavy whipping cream and beat until cream thickens + dip is ready!
  • It’s best chilled if you can wait that long. 

ideas + serving

  • for the adults in the room….add a few tablespoons of tequila or rum to this dip. 🙂
  • I love cutting strawberries as shown above, straight through the center with the greens still on. they look like hearts and the greens provide a built-in dipping handle for maximizing that creamy goodness.

coffee corner

I’m brewing up (did you catch that?) an email subscriber special to share the best seed-to-cup of coffee you’ve ever had! The people and story behind this product is worth hearing. Here’s a sneak peak of the coffee that fuels our household:

idioma announcement

We invited our favorite attorneys, accountants, landlords, bankers, and a few more for good measure, to help pull off the biggest team-up of the year!

It’s official, friends! We are teaming up to serve our customers even better, build our local communities stronger, and support our coffee farmers even more.

What is NOT changing?

Obed – he’s the history, face, and heartbeat of everything idioma and he’s not going anywhere! The seed-to-cup and roasted-to-perfection coffee you’ve grown to love will not change. Our brand, website, subscription service, and everything that has been part of idioma’s story thus far will become the foundation for our future!

What IS changing?

We will keep building, together. You’ll see Katherine from time to time, but she will primarily focus on behind-the-scenes structure. Upcoming changes will include building our fundraising programs to give back to our local communities, more classes and education, more fun and surprises.

It would be unfair to spoil everything for you here….but we promise, you are going to love all we have coming your way! So, stick around and join the seed-to-cup journey with us!

all things coffee. all things happy. idioma.

summer favorites

The onset of water, sun and sand brings on some different needs however, the last thing I need is an entourage of additional things to take along on summer’s adventures. There are a few that make life easier I’ll share here. Don’t forget to share yours back. 🙂

BOGG Bag(s)

Why has it taken so long to come up with a bag that goes everywhere, cleans easily, and lasts? These bags can be a bit pricey (watch for sales on sites like but are the most versatile bags I’ve seen and used in a while. Some of the uses I’ve seen with these bags? Sports equipment, beach gear, pool toys, groceries, farmer’s market goods, firewood, wine, pets, kids and so much more!

Facial Exfoliator (Pomifera or your favorite)

I’m not a beauty products expert. On the contrary, I’m terrible in this area. I do lean heavily on those in my life that are knowledgable in this area. As I’m getting older, I’ve learned that regular exfoliation is important to keeping my skin healthy and bright. Add in the summer toll on my face and it becomes even more important. This Pomifera product…it’s one of the only products I’ve used completely and just opened my 5th jar – that’s a big statement coming from me.

Hydrate in Style + Ease

The more we move and go, the more I find myself reminding everybody (including myself) to drink water! The irony of being active in/at the water and forgetting to drink it makes me laugh. Nevertheless, larger containers that go further and hydrate more of my peeps is a big win. These 64oz Stanley Jugs (come in a couple different styles) are the ticket to hydration on the go without 52 water bottles in tow!

happening this month

June was a great month! I loved catering a graduation celebration (picture way at the top of this newsletter is a sneak peak). Graduation parties, at least here in the Midwest, have changed significantly since I wore a cap and gown. I really enjoy seeing how special, unique and individualized the celebrations are. They truly are a celebration of a big milestone as these kiddos end one chapter and start another. I’ve got some great July events coming up quickly and will make sure to get some photos  and continue sharing my best tips and tricks to bring to your own tables.

july happenings:

✔️sensational summer salads, including one-dish solutions for busy weeknights

✔️website work. a real grace filled table site is underway and it’s going to be beautiful! I’m excited to reveal once the work is completed by one of my super talented friends.

✔️catering promotion + booking fall events – if you have an upcoming event you’d love to be more present at by delegating the food, I’d love the opportunity to partner with you and make your event shine!

“When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence.”

Thank you for all you do to support grace filled table and the team behind it. I’m grateful for your support!! I can’t wait to hear from you this month! Have a fabulous month!

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