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100 moments + 500 photos!

March. There are about 100 moments and 500 photos to share with you as we head into April. Our work continued to find it’s feet in the community through our community meals, catering and classes.

We are grateful for those who choose to work with us and love being a small part of some of life’s best celebrations. In March, we catered a high-school sports banquet, a 30+ year retirement party, bridal showers, a photo shoot, retreat and more! We taught a couple charcuterie classes, one for a long-time group of friends and the other in collaboration with a local business.

One of our most unique highlights from March was our participation in Amplify Mission Network. Amplify (think Christian Shark Tank) is an organization where people come together and share resources, time, talent and more. We were able to provide both the Grace Filled Table experience through catering and present our organization’s vision and current position. Our board and team were on-the-ground and were such an incredible representation of our organization. It was a blessing to sit back and watch them all shine in their giftings!

After the presentations, over 125 people helped to brainstorm on these questions, specific to Grace Filled Table:

How do we build a model of sustainable revenue that will allow us to replicate in other communities?

  1. How can we capitalize on volunteer interest + desire to get more involved?
  2. How can Grace Filled Table manage current demand for catering and increase capacity for new catering business?
  3. How does Grace Filled Table increase funding through donations, events or other?

Why share this information? Well, because we value transparency and honesty. And, because we know it’s going to take an even bigger team to continue growing and serving our communities. Also, because we are are learning as we go, living messy, and trying to enjoy the journey along the way. To the extent you may have connections, answers or feedback to these questions, we would love to hear your thoughts.

For the role you play in supporting our mission and building this community – thank you! One meal at a time, we are seeing relationships + community build.

With Gratitude,
Katherine + Team

Taco bar at catering in Farmington, MN

Did you know, hiring us for catering helps to fund our community meals? Yes, even our “mile-long” taco bar! Catering helps to build relationships as the logistical details around food are delegated to us. The more you put us to work, the more we get to show up to the community. Talk about a win-win!

March sponsors
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Did you know, we receive financial support by generous individuals, businesses and churches? Either recurring monthly donations, one-time donations or weekly sponsorship, we are grateful for those that financially support our organization to help to provide ongoing weekly meals. It’s pure generosity, put into action in a slow and steady manner.

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Classes! What a fun way to connect with your friends, co-workers or family! And yes, working with us for classes helps to support our community meals. I’m catching a theme, and guessing you are too here. If it involves food, we are likely part of it. If it involves building relationships + community, we are likely part of it. When you combine those things – we are absolutely part of it!


No matter how small or large your involvement with Grace Filled Table, please know this – it all matters. When lots of people do a little, nobody has to do a lot. This year has already been a beautiful reflection of how many pieces of volunteering, financial support, catering, buy-one-give-one meals, and more can accumulate into something bigger. Together, let’s make 2024 great!

We will see you at the Table soon!

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